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Good Market Grocery App 

UX/UI Design      App Design      Product Design

A Speculative Grocery App Design From a
UX: Interaction Course I Enrolled In 


Product Strategy, User Goals,  Competitive Analysis, Usability Competitive Analysis, Card Sorting, Site Maps, User Flows, Requirements Documentation, Wireframes  


UX/UI Design, Product Design, App Deisgn


Sketch, Whimsical Flowcharts


Good Market is a (fictitious) medium scale grocery franchise based in the United States. Although their customer satisfaction ratings have remained relatively constant over the last 4 years, their market share has decreased by 8% each year. If they continue at this rate for another year or two, they’ll be forced to shut their doors. 


Through some market and user research, they’ve determined that this decline is most likely due to the increase in online grocery ordering & delivery products, like Fresh Direct and Good Eggs. 


Many customers prefer these products to shopping in-store because they’re faster, easier, and more convenient - customers can shop from their desks, homes, or in line at the coffee shop. 


Good Market believes that if they allow their customers to shop and buy their products online, they can expand their customer base and market share. They plan to design and release a pilot program in New York and San Francisco, iterate based on what they learn, then expand the product to other cities around the country.

  • Deep dive into furthering my knowledge of UX

  • Work 1:1 with a UX mentor each week to review the project's progress and go over UX principles pertaining to that week's lesson

  • Conduct in-depth competitive analysis of other grocery apps in order to craft a high-quality app for Good Market

  • Develop all information Architecture to

  • The project's end result will be high fidelity wireframes for the app

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User Experience

Product Strategy

Context of Use Scenarios

Before jumping into "design", I thought about the product strategy, considering questions like how the product would be used, and where.


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User Experience

Business & User Goals

The main objective in the course was to design a mobile app/website for a fictional supermarket called Good Market. To start out, I first had to define what the business and user goals of this product would be.


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User Experience


Competitive Analysis

Next, I looked at competitors in the space, and examined their products.


Book Design

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Usability Competitive Analysis

A deep dive into one of the competitors in the space, Peapod, revealed good and bad examples of usability.


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User Experience

Information Architecture

Card Sorting

Card sorting is an important technique in information architecture, helping determine users' conceptual models of different categories of information on your site. I practiced this method to help figure out how the information on the Good Market site should be categorized.




I used the findings of the card sorting exercise to put together a sitemap.


User Flows

I then learned about user- and goal-centered design, sketching a series of user flows depicting the pathways users would take to accomplish certain goals.


Sitemap with Wireframes

Connecting the individual wireframes in an overall sitemap was a good way for me to visualize the architecture of the app, and to make sure everything was logical and consistent.

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User Experience

Product Design


As an understanding of the product evolved, I was able to put together a set of product requirements that could be used by both design and engineering teams to get all major stakeholders aligned.



I then wireframed each major screen in the app.

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