InnerMBA Managed to Enroll Over 700+ Students, Making 2.6M+ in Revenue. It's Initial Success has Paved the Path for a Second Class, InnerMBA 2
Optimization of homepage design, marketing video graphics & art direction, social assets
UX/UI Design, Art Direction, Web Design, Graphic Design
Sketch, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, WordPress, InVision
The InnerMBA is a 9-month virtual program that teaches you how to lead from within and bring your deepest values to business. The program features leading wisdom teachers, business academics and researchers, as well as conscious CEOs who offer their teachings on how to increase your self-awareness, create exceptional teams, and turn business into a force for good.
After the marketing launch, our team was tasked to review the data to then make informed decisions on how to optimize the website's design to increase engagement & revenue. Once the program was over, we geared up for the second class of InnerMBA which required creating a marketing video in which I created graphics and provided art direction.
Use heat maps & analytics to optimize the website post-marketing launch
Compile video testimonials, post-graduation, to help create a captivating, IMBA branded, marketing video
Ensure branding feels sophisticated, business forward & educational to support the higher price point product

Completed Campaign
UI Design & Marketing Assets
It was important that the homepage gave a good overview of everything this 9-month program has to offer. The heatmaps and data showed this page wasn't getting as much engagement as we would have hoped for. We decided to make the marketing video at the top full width after A/B testing with a smaller video at the top. I update the title card to be more interesting by making the marketing tagline big & bold while also featuring the logos of all the program contributors. ​
The previous page did not do a good job of highlighting the range of teachers within the program so I decided to make include big, vertical, images of a few of the top teachers. I wanted to make sure these teachers were recognizable, each showed a different range of expertise & diversity.

Further down the page, we realized we need a visual representation of who this course was for users to easily identify with. So I used large stock images with overlayed text to describe the ideal individuals.
Finally, it's always important to feature testimonials or quotes from customers or teachers engaged in the program to not only provide information but validate the product and create trust. Since this was our first time launching this program, we didn't have any customer testimonials to use. Instead, we used quotes from our featured teachers to create interest and serve as a nice visual break within the page.

Marketing Video
Once the first class had ended and had initial success, the team knew they wanted to create a second class, IMBA 2. We reached out to graduates to see if they would be willing to participate in giving a video testimonial. Our assigned copywriter & creative director worked together to create a sizzle video script. Once that was complete, I read it over and identified places where we could inject graphics and animations to eventually hand off to the video editor.
Marketing Assets
Below are just a few of the marketing assets we created for Instagram & Facebook. We wanted to feature some of our influential teachers & their webinars, our partner Linkedin & make sure the IMBA branding shined through by featuring the program's logos, brand colors & photos from our IMBA photoshoot.